Arrival Guide

boy with skis, a helmet, and goggles on

Prepare for your trip to Granite Peak

Please read and view the information below to be ready to have a Legendary trip.


  1. Sign Your Waivers! By signing your waivers you'll move through our lines faster.
  2. Have Your Itinerary Number! Print out or write down your itinerary number from your confirmation email.
  3. Check the Snow Report. The snow report will give you conditions and weather updates daily. We also post to social media every morning!

ARRIVE, EXPLORE, & Lift Access

  1. Arrive Early.  Explore the base area! All of our facilities are located directly above where you'll park.  There are no outlying buildings at other lifts.  
  2. Tickets, Ski School Registration, and Guest Services are to your left of the main entrance gate. Head directly to the ticket windows first! 
  3. Rental & Retail is to your right.  If you purchased rentals you'll need to get your tickets and rental slip first at the ticket windows. (You'll also want this before any lesson program.) 
  4. Chalets - Historic (smaller stone building) is atop a small hill, and Sundance (largest building) is to your left.  Sundance offers seating, food services and bathrooms daily.  Historic's bathrooms are on the lower level and open daily. The sit-down dining is available Friday - Sunday & Holidays.
  5. We use RFID Technology! Check out the video below on how they work


  1. Over-pack. Wool over cotton clothes it's important to keep warm.
  2. Always have a few extra items just in case you wish layer up, change or even layer down. 
  3. Keep your bag and personal items in your car. Our lot is real close (less than 100' from the slopes).  We DO NOT allow bags, equipment or other items to be stored in our chalets. 
  4. Eyewear. You'll want goggles and/or sunglasses as when you are descending the slopes in cold weather you tend to tear up.  We don't like to see you cry!
  5. Socks are important. Choose wool, long socks that go to at least mid-shin if not your knees.
  6. Waterproof Jackets & pants should be water proof, under (base) layers should be moisture-wicking.
  7. Here is a video on how to protect yourself from Frostbite and cold weather.  

Our Location

227200 Snowbird Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401

Continue North/South on Route 51 (I-39 just ended if coming from the south) and take the Exit for County Road NN. 
Head West and you can't miss the slopes & our entrance outside your driver's side window!