Fall Festival on Rib Mountain

Join us for a Saturday of fall colors, extended scenic chairlift rides, a Pancake Breakfast and a car show all here at Granite Peak!
- Pancake Breakfast in the Clouds - benefits Kiwanis Club and the Friends of Rib Mountain State Park. Offered in the Friends Gather Space at the top of the hill from 7am - 11:30am. All you can eat pancakes! $10 adults / $5 kids 10 & Under (3 & Under Free)
- Car Show with the Wausau Road Knights - vintage and custom cars will be on display in the Garnite Peak Parking Lot from 9am - 5pm. If you have a car that you would like to display bring it on by and show it off! No entry fee and totally free.
- Granite Peak Ski Team Ski Swap - the big tent will be up in our parking lot for our annual ski, snowboard and gear sale. All proceeds go to the Granite Peak Ski Team! More information visit gpst.org/skiswap
- Extended Scenic Chairlift Rides - to support the Pancake Breakfast in the Clouds and in anticipation of what we hope will be some peak foliage we will offer early lift rides on this date from 9am - 5pm on the Comet Express Chairlift.
- Yard Games - those wishing to have some fun we will have out some yard games outside the Historic Deck Area with plenty of food & drink available on the deck.